Winning over Top Talent in a Very Competitive Market

Published on: Mar 10, 2022
The job market has always been competitive, even when the pendulum swings between job seekers and hiring companies. But The Great Resignation has created a unique job landscape. If you've tried to hire in the last couple of years, it's no surprise that the experience is challenging. Adding in the War on Talent, it isn't easy to find the employees you need when you need them. Here are our tips for winning over top talent, even in this competitive market.
Create an Ideal Employee Profile
The first step to finding top talent is to know what you're looking for in a new employee. For such a long time, hiring managers focused on the idea of, "I'll know it when I see it." But hiring on gut instinct can lead to bad hiring decisions and the wrong fit. Instead, create a persona who would be a good match for the company and help you narrow down candidates in the process.
Ask for Internal Referrals
Your current team is your best resource for new employees. Good people refer good people. Offering a program that rewards your employees for their successful referrals will encourage them to make recommendations of qualified, talented people. Tie the reward to the time the new employee is on the job.
Develop Your Company Culture
There may be nothing more important in today's jobs climate than company culture. Employees want to like the company they work for and feel proud of the work they're doing. Company culture incorporates the mission and values, environment, employee relations, and appreciation.
Value Your Talent
One of the biggest drivers of The Great Resignation is that many employees at all levels feel undervalued by their employers. They leave jobs to work independently or find other opportunities with companies that offer more incentives or appreciation. A great example of this is with work-from-home arrangements. As some companies return to the office, employees who excelled in remote positions push back. If you're unable to accommodate work-from-home, they will find another employer who does.
Are you ready to tap into top talent? Get in touch with the Frontline Source Group team to learn more!