Improve Your Employees Performance With These Three Tips

Improve Your Employees Performance With These Three Tips

Published on: Nov 8, 2018

Everyone has ups and downs in their work output, and it’s normal for an employee to experience productivity dips from time to time. As a manager, it’s your job to help people power through such slumps and return to peak performance levels.

Open, honest, two-way communication will help you to get to the root of any problems and keep things on track. Here are three tips:

  1. Set clear goals.

Sometimes, managers tend to assume that employees will execute according to their vision, and then are befuddled when outcomes don’t match their intended direction. Make sure your team members are clear on exactly what you expect from them. How can they meet performance goals if they don’t even know what they are?

  • Include time frames and deadlines. If a project will be done in phases, each phase completion date should be conveyed and mapped out in advance, to avoid any confusion or bottlenecks in other processes. Schedule interim progress reports.
  • Show a genuine interest in your employees’ success. Find out what their passions and interests are, and try to align their assignments with them. Disinterest in a task or project does not bode well for performance improvement.
  1. Reward progress.

Companies that excel at employee recognition are, on average, 12 times more likely than their competitors to generate strong business results. And their levels of employee engagement, productivity and customer service are approximately 14 percent better.

  • Establish clear recognition criteria. Companies that succeed at business performance focus on rewarding people for reaching milestones, accomplishing special projects, achieving company goals and personifying organizational values.
  • Tailor your rewards to each employee. For some people, public recognition is more important, while others may shy away from this approach and prefer a one-on-one thank you. What would mean the most to a particular individual – verbal praise, a bonus, a training or career advancement opportunity, a paid day off, or another form of acknowledgement?
  1. Know when to say when.

If you’ve set clear goals and expectations and an employee still hasn’t done what you’ve asked, it may be necessary to take harsher steps; for instance, a verbal or written warning. Make it clear that just as exemplary work merits rewards, poor performance leads to the opposite outcome.

  • In worst cases, an employee and your company simply may not be compatible. If this is the case, little can be done to change a person’s overall outlook or personality fit. It may be best to part ways.
  • Good leaders know when it’s time to cut ties for the benefit of everyone involved. This is only after they’ve invested the appropriate amount of time to try to resolve issues, and still come up short.

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