The Five Best Ways to Get to Know Your New Hire

The Five Best Ways to Get to Know Your New Hire

The stronger the bonds you have with your employees, the better. Research has shown the number-one thing people like about their jobs is the people they work for. As the boss, you can’t be everyone’s BFF, but you can – and should – get to know each of your employees personally. Another telling statistic: Ninety-three percent of workers believe that being able to trust their immediate supervisor is one of the leading factors impacting their happiness on the job. How can people trust you if they don’t even know you, or vice versa?

Here are five surefire ways to get to know your new hires:


  1. Schedule a one-on-one meeting.

Of course you will welcome a new hire on their first day, show them to their desk, introduce them to colleagues and take them to lunch. Soon after, schedule a one-on-one “get to know each other meeting.” The sooner you’re on comfortable terms with your new protégé, the better idea you’ll have of how to motivate and coach them.  


  1. Learn about their career goals.

Sure, you covered this territory during your employee’s interview. But now that they’re officially on board, you can begin to collaborate with them to realize their long-term professional vision.

  • Set the framework for an action plan to guide them along their desired career path. All too often, new hires leave their jobs within the first few months. In many cases, this could have been prevented if these individuals were reassured that their managers shared and supported their growth plans.


  1. Learn about their passions, on and off the job.

Work/life balance has always been important, but today more than ever, new hires place it high on their priority list, sometimes even above earning more money. Likewise, social initiatives, supporting the environment, and giving back are game changers when it comes to their sense of loyalty to a company.

  • Learn who a person is, outside of the role you have given them. Recognize and support their personal needs, whether it’s a flexible schedule, day care assistance or maybe even bringing their pet to the office. What are their hobbies? Favorite charities and causes? This is a great way to reinforce that their values align with those of your organization.


  1. Work with them on a team.

There’s no better way to get to know a person than by jumping into a project or group discussion with them. Working side by side will help you learn their style, communication preferences and personality. With this information, you’ll be better equipped to make decisions about what works for them and what doesn’t, and how they will react.


  1. Engage them in a conversation.

Ask questions that support all your efforts to get to know a new hire – and actively listen to their responses. These conversations will help you build trust and ensure a positive ongoing relationship. Here are just a few examples:

  • Who inspires you? Inspiration plays a huge role in employee engagement. You can also use this question to figure out how to be a better manager to an individual.
  • What are some of your pet peeves? By finding out what your employee doesn’t like, you can figure out how to adapt your management style accordingly when working with them.

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Category(ies): Blog
Published on: Aug 24, 2018