Is Your Business’s Social Media Presence Scaring off Candidates?

Is Your Business’s Social Media Presence Scaring off Candidates?

Use of social media for recruiting is not just today’s trend – it’s the wave of the future. Frankly, if you haven’t been using it to your advantage, you’re way behind the competitive curve.

  • Seventy-two percent of all internet users are on social media. Millennials, who make up the largest demographic of the current workforce, grew up with it and typically use it as their primary information source.
  • The best candidates go social to find, and land, their dream jobs. Sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and a handful of others offer a tremendous opportunity to connect with talent, many of whom would not have been found through traditional channels.

Use Social Media to Connect With Candidates

Social media is for creating, maintaining and sharing your unique employer brand.

  • To optimize your social media presence, choose a few employees to serve as the faces of your company. Have them post from umbrella accounts such as @yourcompanyname on Twitter. Or, give them their own accounts. When candidates see real people behind your company, they’ll be more interested in working for you.
  • Make sure your recruiters stay on top of social media trends. They should know all the best practices – and use them regularly. For instance, Facebook is losing ground with younger users, as many switch to sites like Snapchat and Instagram. And, everything needs to have a mobile app connected to it. If you haven’t yet gone mobile, you will be left in the dust.
  • Build meaningful connections. Having thousands of followers is great, but quality trumps quantity. If you simply add followers indiscriminately or gain them through shady means, you risk coming across as spammy. If this happens, prospective hires won’t take you seriously.
  • Provide an inside look at what it’s like to work for your company. Recruit employees to blog about their roles and responsibilities, and what a typical workday looks like for them.
  • Use social media to highlight unique perks, such as your on-site fitness center or flexible work hours. Show potential hires your company is an attractive, friendly and interesting place to be.
  • A video is worth a thousand words. Arm your employees with cameras or encourage them to use smartphones to upload “day in the life of” videos. What better testimonial to attract like-minded talent?

A Word on LinkedIn

Of the myriad social media networks out there, LinkedIn remains the best platform for networking. Use the site to attract active candidates and connect with passive ones.

  • Fully complete your company page. It will show up in search results and give you the opportunity to showcase your brand.
  • Use filters to find the right candidates. You can search by location, current and past company, years of experience, and other relevant factors.
  • Personalize your messages. Don’t simply copy and paste information to all potential recruits. Mention something specific about them that caught your attention. Begin to build relationships at the earliest possible point.

How can you keep up with, much less optimize your use of, social media in today’s ever-changing business landscape?

It helps to have a professional recruiting partner who can work with you to build your brand strategy and access top talent. For temporary, temp-to-hire and direct hire staffing, turn to the pros at Frontline Source Group. To get in touch with our staffing service in Phoenix, AZ, click here. Contact us to find the branch nearest to you or read our related posts to learn more!

Category(ies): Blog
Published on: Oct 24, 2018